Volunteers needed for Repair Cafe’s

Is it not unfortunate to see people buy new items to replace their old ones just because the old stuff broke? Even more so when the old stuff is a keepsake or something that has sentimental value. However, it can be expensive or a hassle to get the broken things repaired. We hope to offer this needed service in our local communities.
The Cornell Cooperative Extension Tompkins County has been collaborating with local communities throughout the County on a waste reduction effort. The Towns of Dryden, Enfield, Newfield, and Ulysses would like to reduce waste by hosting repair cafes where people in the community can come in with broken items, they would like fixed.
We are looking for volunteers for our repair cafes who are be skilled in repairing the following items:

  • Electronics 
  • Furniture
  • Bicycles
  • Clothing
and anything else we missed here that you might know how to fix!
If you are willing and able to volunteer, please fill out the survey here.
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