UPDATES to Food Pantry Changes- March 27, 2020

The Enfield Food Pantry

Information for Clients – updated 3/25/2020

HOURS: We are open Sundays 11:00-2:00 and Mondays 11:00-2:00

LOCATION: Enfield Community Building, 182 Enfield Main Rd., Ithaca, NY 14850

WHO WE SERVE: Primarily residents of the Town of Enfield. But at this time we are waiving any residency requirement and are serving anyone who needs food, to the best of our ability.

HOW IT WORKS: Until further notice we are using a pre-order system, with curbside pickup. Our volunteers will pack your order using every available precaution to prevent the spread of germs. You pick up your order either Sunday or Monday, at a specific time that you select on your order form.

PRE-ORDERS: Each week we will post on our website an order form with a list of available items. You complete the order form and submit it online. We will try to post the order form by Tuesday of each week. Orders should be placed online no later than Friday, 5 PM of each week.

TO ORDER: Go to thefirstbaptistchurchofenfield.com  and select the “Food Pantry” link to place your order and select your pick up time. If you do not have access to the internet, please call 607-379-9270 no later than 5PM Wednesday, of each week. Leave a message and a volunteer will call you back within 48 hours to take your order over the phone.

Enter the driveway that leads directly to the fire station located between the church and old highway barns. Circle around driving down the side of the community building.

  • Arrive at your time slot. If you have a time of 1:00 on Sunday, your food will not be ready any earlier.
  • Pickup is one-vehicle-at- a-time, when you get to the front of the community building. Stay in line, inside your vehicle.
  • DO NOT get out of your car until you are instructed to do so. Do not approach anyone else.
  • Load your car as quickly as possible. If children are with you, they should remain in your vehicle.
  • If you are walking, come to the front of the building as usual and you will be directed appropriately.

IF YOU MISS THE PRE-ORDER DEADLINE: Come to the pantry on Sunday or Monday at 1-2PM and we will give you a box of whatever we have available at that time.

HOME DELIVERY:  If you need home delivery, you can indicate that on the form and we will do our best to accommodate your request. We cannot provide deliveries outside the Town of Enfield.


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