Town of Enfield
County Legislature Candidates’ Forum!
Sunday, October 15 at 4 PM
Enfield Valley Grange
178 Enfield Main Road, Ithaca
Enfield residents have an opportunity to meet and question the candidates who hope to represent them in the Tompkins County Legislature:
Anne Koreman, Democratic Party and Working Families Party
Keith Hannon, Independence Party and Cayuga United Party
both running to represent County Legislative District 5, which includes Enfield north of Rt. 79, Ulysses, and part of the Town of Ithaca, and
Dave McKenna, Republican Party and Independence Party
running to represent County Legislative District 8, which includes Enfield south of Rt. 79 and Newfield.
Candidates will introduce themselves and will each answer a set of questions prepared by the organizers. Attendees may submit additional written questions for any or all of the candidates, which will be read by moderator Robert Lynch.
Please join us for refreshments afterwards!
Sponsored by
The Enfield Democratic Committee
The Enfield Republican Party
The Enfield Valley Grange