The Office of the Enfield Town Clerk

Town Clerk: Mary Cornell

Enfield Town Hall
168 Enfield Main Road, Ithaca, NY 14850
Office of Town Enfield Town Clerk

Email –
Phone: 607-273-8256

Deputy Town Clerk: Laura Norman


Services provided by the Clerk’s Office:

Notary Service

  • Documents are notarized FREE for Town of Enfield residents. We recommend that you schedule an appointment.


Marriage Licenses – $40.00

Marriage License Procedure – Local

  1. Fill out the Marriage License Application for each party
  2. Bring all necessary documents with you.
  • Age – Birth Certificate
  • Identity – Passport or Driver’s License
  • Divorce or Death Certificate


  1. Hold Ceremony
    • List of Enfield Marriage Officiants Coming Soon!
    • List of Enfield Wedding Venues Coming Soon!
  2. Have officiant complete the license form where appropriate and sign.
  3. Deliver or Mail your completed license back to the Town Clerk at 168 Enfield Main Road, Ithaca, New York 14850


  1. A certificate of Marriage with an Official Seal will be provided to you by Mail.
Hunting & Fishing
(manuals w/fees available at Town Hall)

Dog Licenses

Dog Licenses can be obtained from the Town Clerk

  • All Dogs over four months must be licensed, or within thirty days of arriving in town or acquisition.
  • Failure to license your dog could result in a ticket, a court appearance and a fine.

NEW: Renew your Dog License Online!

Licenses that are more than 1 year expired and new licenses cannot be renewed using this method. Contact or 607-273-8256 for help with these. If your Rabies Immunization is expired, send an official Veterinarian Certificate to OR fax to 607-277-2639

Dog Licenses Fees 2021

  • Male neutered $12.00
  • Male un-neutered $22.00
  • Female spayed $12.00
  • Female unspayed $22.00

Required Forms

  • A valid rabies certificate signed by a licensed veterinarian is required by Public Health Law #2145. If applicable, proof of rabies exemption status.
  • If spayed or neutered, a veterinarian’s certificate is required. If you have acquired an older dog and have no records, a veterinarian can examine the animal and sign an affidavit as to whether it was spayed or neutered.


Control of Rabies: Rabies remains an important health concern. Dog licensing requires rabies vaccinations and ensures that your dog, and your neighbors, is up-to-date and protected. Not only does this protect dogs, but your family, your neighbors and the entire community.

Rabies Fact Sheet from New York State Department of Health

Rabies Clinics are frequently offered by Tompkins County. Check back soon for upcoming dates!

Why do we license dogs?

Towns are required, by New York State law, to provide dog control and to license dogs.

What is my licensing money used for?

Any dog license fees collected by the Town can only be spent on dog related services. All of your license fee stays in the Town of Enfield and helps pay for the cost of our contract with the SPCA.

The State Surcharge, also required by law, is sent to the New York State Animal Population Control Fund and is distributed by grants to non-profit organizations low cost spay/neuter programs though out New York State (excluding New York City).

Tompkins County Animal Control

Dog Control Law Local Law 3 – 2010 – SECTION 2. PROHIBITED ACTS.

Any owner of a dog or any other person who harbors any dog in the Town of Enfield shall be in violation of this law if such dog:

A. Is not restrained by an adequate collar and leash or under full control of a responsible person, when not on the property of the owner, or any other person harboring or having custody or control of the dog or when on the property of its owner if the property is a multi-family dwelling unit. For purposes of this law, a dog or dogs hunting in the company with a hunter or hunters shall be considered as accompanied by its owner.

B. Engage in such habitual loud barking, howling, or whining so as to cause a person’s rest to be broken, his sleep to be interrupted, or the reasonable use or enjoyment of his home or property to be otherwise interfered with, disturbed or diminished, or that causes a person to be otherwise harassed, annoyed or disturbed. Livestock herding and guard dogs used in agricultural operations in a NYS Certified Agricultural District are exempt from this provision.

C. Causes damage or destruction to property, or repeatedly defecates, urinates or otherwise commits a nuisance other than on the premises of the person owning or harboring such dog.

D. When not on the property of the owner, chases or otherwise harasses any person in such a manner as reasonable to cause intimidation or put such person in reasonable apprehension of bodily harm or injury.

E. When not on the property of the owner chases, barks at, leaps on or otherwise harasses any bicycle, motorcycle, motor wagon, carriage or any other vehicle or device used by persons for travel or as a conveyance, or any riders or occupants thereof, or any horses or animal including any rider thereon, or any cat, dog, or domestic animal.

F. If it is not wearing a valid and current Town of Enfield dog license while off the owners property, whether or not restrained by an adequate collar and leash.

G. Is unlicensed when four months of age or older or when a dog license has not been renewed pursuant to the Agriculture and Markets Law, Article 7.

Accessible permits are issued at the Town Clerk’s office only for Enfield residents on presentation of doctor’s certificate.

Temporary permit: number of months specified by doctor

Permanent permit: renewable every five years.

Town Board Minutes
The Enfield Town Clerk transcribes and record Town Board and Planning Board Meeting Minutes. Audio of Town Board Meetings is posted to the Town Website.

Building Permits
Provide building permit information and applications for Code Enforcement Officer.

Tax Collection
Collect Town and County Property Taxes January 01 through March 31

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