Tompkins DOER: Heavy Snowfall Leads to Safety Concerns


February 3, 2021 


Clear Fire Hydrants and Exterior Furnace Pipes of Snow and Ice 

(Ithaca, New York) – With snowfall totals of between one and two feet reported from the long duration Nor’easter, residents are reminded of a few steps they can take to help keep their  community and themselves safe: 

  • Be sure to keep snow and ice five feet away from fire hydrants. This will allow  firefighters quick and easy access to the hydrants in order to protect people and property  in the case of a fire. 
  • Keep snow and ice away from the exterior air in-take and exhaust out-take for your  furnace. If snow or ice is blocking these, it could cause dangerous carbon monoxide to  back-up into the house. 
  • Remove snow and ice from sidewalks and driveways. If you are shoveling, lift with your  legs (not your back) and push snow rather than lift it. Take frequent breaks to let your  body warm up and your muscles relax. Follow up with ice melt or rock salt to prevent ice  buildup. 
  • Keep snowbanks around your driveway from becoming too high so you may safely back  out into the roadway and other drivers can see children who may be playing in the snow.  
  • If driving, be alert for blowing and drifting snow. 

For more information on winter weather safety, please visit

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