The Town of Enfield is seeking bids for a one-year contract for horticulture services. Contractors will need to provide their own equipment.
- Duties include:
- Maintain two flower beds in front of town signs at each end of Enfield Main Rd.
- Establish and maintain flower bed around bus stop kiosk across from Town Hall.
- Organize volunteers to assist with beautification.
- Horticultural services to be provided June 1, 2021 through October 31, 2021.
- Questions prior to bid submission should be directed to Stephanie Redmond (607)592-0131.
- Candidates who qualify for an interview will be able to review garden sites.
- Prior experience in horticulture is preferred but not required.
Bids should include at least 3 references, phone number and an e-mail address (if desired) for future communications.
Bids should be RECEIVED NO LATER THAN 5/11/2021 to one of the following:
- By e-mail to
- By mail to the clerk’s office at the Town Hall (168 Enfield Main Road, Ithaca, NY 14850).
- Dropped off at the clerk’s office at the address above.