Town & County Property Tax Bills are Online Now!
In 2021 Please Consider Contactless Tax Payment to Keep Enfield Safe!
Contactless Payment Methods are . . .
- E-Check ($2.50 Service Fee per $2000)
- Credit/Debit Card (2.75% of Transaction)
- Check: Mail or Drop Box
- We will accept Credit/Debit Cards in the Town Hall in 2021.
- Cash Payments are ONLY Accepted in Person. Masks MUST be worn to visit Town Hall.
- Curbside Service is available and Encouraged!
- Only One Person will receive Service in the Town Hall at one Time. Thank you for your Patience!
Town & County Property Tax bills are also mailed by the Enfield Tax Collector.
Pay Taxes HERE at NYS TaxGlance!
When Searching on Tax Glance Please enter only ONE information item to search the records for your selected year.
With TaxGlance you can view and print your Town & County tax bill online anytime. Can’t find your paid receipt? Now it’s easy, just go online and print your paid bill.
Taxes are Payable to:
Enfield Tax Collector
Town Hall,
168 Enfield Main Road, Ithaca, NY 14850 * 607-273-8256
Email is Preferred
Tax Collection Hours 2021
January 2 – March 31, 2021
- Saturday 10:30 – 3:30 pm
- Monday 3 – 6 pm
- Tuesday 3 – 7 pm
- Friday 9:30 – 1:30 pm
2021 Tax Due Dates
Taxes are payable to ‘Enfield Tax Collector’ through March 31, 2020. Bills postmarked by each due date WILL be accepted.
Full Tax payments are due by February 1, without penalty.
Until February 1, you also have the opportunity to pay a First Installment. Those are also due by Monday, February 1, and CANNOT be accepted by law after this date. The second installment is due by July 1, payable to Tompkins County.
- February 2 through March 1, 2021, a 1% Fee is Added.
- March 2-March 31, 2021, a 2% Fee plus $1.00 is Added.
Second installments and ANY payments after April 1, 2020, are payable to . . .
Tompkins County Finance
125 East Court St.
Ithaca, NY 14850
Telephone: 607-274-5545
If you have an escrow account, your bill will be mailed directly to your bank. You will receive a receipt in the mail to show payment.
If you don’t have an escrow account AND do not receive your tax bill by January 10, 2021, please contact the Enfield Tax Collector at or call 607-273-8256 and request that another copy be sent to you.
(Please note: CASH payments MUST BE MADE BY CURBSIDE OR AT THE COUNTER. The Office of the Enfield Town Clerk & the Town of Enfield are NOT responsible for CASH payments left in the drop box, we cannot guarantee the security of payments made this way.)
Masks are strictly Required for Town Hall access. There are no exceptions to this Policy.
Please remember that even if your bill is lost in the mail or you do not receive it for any reason, you still are responsible to pay it before the due date or a penalty will be charged.