The Enfield Town Board will consider a proposal to utilize the old Highway garage for a Tompkins County Sheriff Department satellite office at the November 13th regular Town Board meeting.
Until that time, the Town Board will take public comments on the initiative. To let us know your thoughts regarding having a Sheriff’s satellite office centrally located in our town that would serve Enfield, Ulysses and Newfield, please contact the Enfield Town Board by emailing or write Town of Enfield, 168 Enfield Main Road, Ithaca, NY 14850. You may also have your comments heard at a meeting of the Town Board on November 6th at 6:30 PM at the Enfield Community Building, 182 Enfield Main Road.
In September, after meeting with Tompkins County Sheriff, Derek Osborne, Enfield resident, Darren McGee, proposed to the Enfield Town Board to use the old Highway garage as a satellite station for the Tompkins County Sheriff Department. Sheriff Osborne, has agreed that the space would be suitable for the Sheriff’s needs on the west side of Ithaca. Our County Legislators, Dave McKenna and Anne Koreman, have both observed the space and supported the proposal before the Tompkins County Public Safety Committee later that month. Use of the space for the purpose of a Sheriff Satellite office will be considered as a building use agreement at the Enfield Town Board meeting on November 13th at 6:30 PM.
Goals of this initiative are:
- Reduced response times
- Building relationship with law enforcement through school and community engagement
- Potential decrease in crime
- Increased safety and emergency response in the Towns of Enfield, Newfield, and Ulysses
Please submit comments or share your comments before the Town Board no later than November 6th.
Click on the following links for more information:
- Public Comment Notice- Town of Enfield Considers Sheriff Satellite Location
- Original Proposal and Task List for Satellite Office in Enfield
- Town Board Discussion- Sept. 24, 2019- Sheriff Satellite in Enfield