A meeting of the Renewable Energy Advisory Committee has been scheduled for Wednesday July 26 – 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. at the Enfield Community Building, 182 Enfield Main Road.
At the June 14, 2017 Enfield Town Board Meeting Local Law #1-2017, Town of Enfield Moratorium on Commercial Wind and Solar Energy Facilities was passed.
2017 #1 Commercial Solar and Wind Moratorium
The Enfield Town Board, by Resolution on June 14, 2017, has formed a citizens advisory committee “Renewable Energy Advisory Committee,” as a standing committee with the goals and purposes of gathering and substantiating relevant information concerning alternative energy impacts and regulations, particularly in the fields of wind and solar power, and to make recommendations to the Town Board.
Anyone interested in serving on this committee should notify the Enfield Town Clerk, Alice Linton, at 607-273-8256 or by e-mail at townclerk@townofenfield.org.