There will be a Regular Meeting of the Enfield Town Board via the Zoom Platform, Wednesday, October 14, 2020 at 6:30 pm
Call: 1-646-876-9923
Follow prompts – Meeting ID:PASSWORD 14850
- Agenda-Regular Enfield Town Board Meeting-October 14-2020
- Senior Citizens Contract
- Resolution to Approve Muncipal Consortium Agreement
- Budget Amendment #2020- ____ Move funds for Highway
- Resolution Supporting an Over Target Request for Tompkins County to Undertake a Broadband Planning Study
- Budget Amendments 10.14.2020
Additional Documents
Instructions for Virtual Town Board Meetings
Due to the Coronavirus and Govenor Cuomo’s Executive Order limiting public gatherings, Enfield will be holding meetings electronically until further notice.
Virtual meetings may be attended using a landline, cell phone, smart phone app, or computer browser, without leaving your home.
Please view the Town Board Meeting Guidelines for information on meeting procedure and conduct