The Town of Enfield is committed to Safety of ALL of our Residents, including Canines!
If a Dog is seen off of the owner’s property, it is recommended by the Enfield Town Court and TCAC that anyone wishing to make a complaint about a Dog being at large, obtain photographic or video evidence of the dogs being off of the property.
In addition, if such an incident occurs during the course of regular business hours (9am-5pm) please contact the SPCA at 607-592-6773 and an attempt to impound the animals will be made.
If the incident occurs after 5pm, the SPCA is able to respond for animal impound if said animals are contained (ie: on a leash, in a fenced in yard or garage.)
To reach the SPCA’s Senior Investigator & NYS Peace Officer please call at 607-257-1822 x229 or on our emergency line at 607-592-6773. They can be reached by email at
If at any time an Enfield Resident become immediately concerned for their personal safety or that of their companion animal, they should call Tompkins Dispatch at 9-1-1 (for emergencies only) or 607-273-8000 (for non-emergencies)