Now Enrolling – Fall Enfield Youth Programs

Enfield Youth Programs

We are currently enrolling for fall programs, following CDC and NYS Health Department Guidelines. These programs are run by our Program Manager, Eric Carter and take place at the *New* Enfield Community Center (162 Enfield Main Rd.), unless otherwise noted. All programs are open to Enfield Youth aged 10 and up.

Monday Makers Mondays, 4:30pm – 6:30pm, Sep 20 – Oct 25

Learn about carpentry, basic blacksmithing, and even cast pewter and aluminum! Some Halloween projects are sure to come into the mix as well. Each week we’ll pick a project to work on and try our hands at new skills. Have a project you would like to try out? Bring some ideas and we can make them happen.

Outdoor Adventures: Connecticut Hill Tuesdays, 4:30pm – 6:30pm, Sep 21 – Oct 26

The fun continues this fall up on the hill! Come join us as we play nature-based games, build forts, make campfires, and explore the surrounding woods. As always, delicious campfire treats are promised as well.  Please dress with appropriate footwear and clothing and note, no restrooms will be available, so please plan ahead. If you have any questions, please ask Eric. We will meet at the corner of Boylan and Hulford Roads please use the following link if you need directions:

Backpacking and Foraging at Connecticut Hill Wednesdays, 4:30pm – 6:30pm, Sep 22 – Oct 27

Join us as we explore the unique trails, history, flora, and fauna of New York State’s largest wildlife management area! Along the way we’ll look out for great mushrooming and foraging spots and seek out archaeological treasures. Please dress for hikes, with proper footwear, water, and a pack if you need it. *Meeting spot subject to change from week to week. Please check with Eric*

Fall Crafts Thursdays, 4:30pm – 6:30pm, Sep 23 – Oct 28

Come join us during the cozy and beautiful time of year. We will celebrate the arrival of autumn by making fall crafts and tasty treats. While the weather holds out we will be meeting in the pavilion at the Enfield Community Center.

To enroll your child please go to: or email Eric at

Eric M. Carter
Rural Youth Services Program Educator
Cornell Cooperative Extension of Tompkins County
(607) 272 – 2292
Cornell Cooperative Extension of Tompkins County is an employer and educator recognized for valuing AA/EEO, Protected Veterans, and Individuals with Disabilities and provides equal program and employment opportunities.
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