Immediate Release: No Power? – Dry Ice & Bottled Water Distribution 6-8 pm at the Enfield Courthouse tonight

** Supervisor Redmond is picking up a load of DRY ICE and BOTTLED WATER from NYSEG. Please stop by the Enfield Courthouse between 6-8pm for distribution***

Are you still without power? We will be having a town board meeting at the courthouse tonight starting at 6:30. I plan to be there by 6pm. Stop in and charge your phones or other devices. You can fill up water jugs but the water doesn’t taste good so maybe just for bathing or dishes.

The Enfield Community Center has power and water available for residents as well. Individuals can use the electric at the center at the pavilion. Water refills are available at the hoses at front entrance and the pavilion.

NYSEG is expecting to have most power restored by tomorrow noon.

Be safe. Help your neighbors. Please let the Town know if there is a neighbor that needs extra assistance.

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