“Farmers Can Help Cool the Planet”

“Farmers Can Help Cool the Planet” – a free informational forum


Wednesday, Sept 26, 7:00 – 9:00pm

Tompkins County Public Library, 101 E. Green Street, Ithaca


Farmers can offer a significant solution to climate change by reducing greenhouse gas in the atmosphere.  Known as “carbon farming”, a wide range of farming practices can affordably pull carbon from the atmosphere and place it productively back into the soil.  When done on a global scale, this is one of the most hopeful solutions to global warming that we know about.


Four speakers will present their experiences with increasing soil carbon while also improving soil fertility, water holding capacity, and resiliency to their operations.  Dr. Jeffrey Creque from the Marin Carbon Project and the Carbon Cycle Institute in California will describe exciting results of new soil research, especially compost application and intensive rotations on grazing lands.  Three local farmers representing different sectors of our agricultural economy will show how carbon farming is beneficial in our climate and conditions:  Suzanne Hunt from Hunt Country Vineyards; Steve Gabriel, writer and farmer with Wellspring Forest Farm using silvopasture; and Brian Caldwell, farmer with Hemlock Grove Farm in West Danby, Cornell agronomist (retired) specializing in Organic Farming practices.  Jonathan Bates, of Food Forest Farm in Caroline, will be the Moderator.


Co-Sponsors (partial list): Citizens’ Climate Lobby NY-23; Cornell Botanic Garden; Cornell Cooperative Extension of Tompkins County; Cornell School of Integrative Plant Science (SIPS); Cornell Small Farms Program; Dryden Resources Awareness Coalition (DRAC); Environmental Management Council of Tompkins County, Fossil Free Tompkins; Groundswell; Interfaith Climate-Justice Action Network (ICAN); League of Women Voters of Tompkins County; Social Ventures; Sustainable Tompkins; Tompkins County Climate Protection Initiative (TCCPI); Tompkins County Food Policy Council; Tompkins County Planning and Sustainability Department


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