We are currently enrolling for spring programs, following CDC and NYS Health Department Guidelines. These programs are run by our Program Manager, Eric Carter and take place at former Living Waters Church (162 Enfield Main Rd.), unless otherwise noted.
Creek Explorers Mondays 4:30pm – 6:30pm, Apr 26 – June 7
Come explore some of our areas’ great waterways! We’ll play in the water, look for cray fish, build (temporary) dams, and maybe even go fishing. Our home base will be Enfield Creek across from the Enfield Community building. *No program 5/24, 5/31
Outdoor Adventures – Connecticut Hill Tuesdays 4:30pm – 6:30pm, Apr 27 – June 8
The fun continues this spring up on the hill! Come join us as we play nature-based games, build forts, make campfires, and explore the surrounding woods. As always, delicious campfire treats are promised as well. *Meets at the corner of Boylan and Hulford Roads. *No program 5/25
Gardening at the Center Wednesdays 4:30pm – 6:30pm, Apr 28 – June 9
It’s planting season, and with the new community building we’re eager to get started! We’ll install a vegetable plot near the playground and start planting for a summer harvest during the Enfield Summer Day Camp. Let us know some of your favorite herbs and veggies and we’ll be sure to plant them! * No program 5/26
Backpacking and Foraging at Connecticut Hill Thursdays 4:30pm – 6:30pm, Apr 29 – June 10
Join us as we explore the unique trails, history, flora, and fauna of New York State’s largest wildlife management area! Along the way we’ll look out for great mushrooming and foraging spots and seek out archaeological treasures. Please dress for hikes, with proper footwear, water, and a pack if you need it. *Meeting spot subject to change from week to week. Please check with Eric* *No program 5/27
For more information and to enroll, please go to: https://bit.ly/3n2aKy5 or email Eric at emc333@cornell.edu
Thank you!