Follow us on facebook @enfieldvalleygrange
NEED A RIDE TO A GRANGE EVENT? Contact us at enfieldvalleygrange@gmail.
178 Enfield Main Road
Ithaca,NY 14850
Contact Person: Carol Baker
Phone: 607-272-2144
The Grange is a family, fraternal organization especially interested in community betterment, education, agriculture, legislation and a meaningful way of life. Programs, projects and activities offered in our local Grange reflect the interest and talents of its members. Like any organization, the Grange is only as effective as the people who belong want it to be.
In the past, the Enfield Valley Grange has hosted the Defensive Driving course, several local historical programs, and many Christmas events, as well as other activities open to the public.
The Enfield Valley Grange meetings are held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at the Grange starting at 7:00 p.m. To become a regular member, contact any grange member.
For rental of the Grange Hall please contact Sandra Trutt, at 273-4884.