Extension Agreement with EVFC 12-17
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town of Enfield will hold a public hearing upon December 27, 2017 at 6:30 pm, at the Enfield Community Building, 182 Enfield Main Road, Ithaca, New York 14850 to consider the approval of an extension of the 2017 contract for fire protection services with the Enfield Volunteer Fire Company, Inc. into 2018, for the protection of the Town Fire Protection District, upon the following general terms: (1) the Fire Company shall answer and attend upon all calls in the Town Fire Protection District; (2) for services the Fire Company shall receive approximately $313,817 for the projected annual cost of an extension of the existing agreement into calendar year 2018; (3) the Fire Company shall be responsible for any loss or damage to the fire apparatus sustained in answering any such call; (4) the Fire Company shall be responsible for payment of all claims for injuries to or death of firemen in connection with such calls; (5) the 2013-2017 contract shall be extended for two months, with an automatic renewal provision for the remainder of 2018, all to cover and ensure services while the Town and Fire Company negotiate the 2018 agreement or the multi-year contract terms; (6) the Agreement contains such other and incidental terms as are necessary or proper for contracting for fire protection services. At the time and place of the public hearing all persons interested in the matter shall be heard and all evidence taken. Copies of said proposed Fire Contract and its Extension Agreement are available for review at the Town Clerk’s Office at 168 Enfield Main Road, Ithaca, New York during regular office hours.
By Order of the Town of Enfield Town Board ________________________________________
Alice Linton, RMC – Town Clerk