FIRE SAFETY: What can we do to prevent fires in our homes and our community? What other safety concerns do you have as an Enfield resident? Come share your thoughts this Sunday while enjoying a delicious potluck dinner with neighbors, friends and elected officials.

Alan Teeter and Tammy Alling (and hopefully other members of our Fire Department) will share some basic information and resources, and then we’ll open it up for Q & A and discussion. We’ll talk about why more volunteers are needed in our Fire Department, and we can ALL support our firefighters.
Please bring a dish to pass and your own tableware, if you are able. If you are not able to provide a dish, no worries! We’ve got you covered.
Our goal for these events is to help Enfield residents connect with each other and have creative and respectful conversations about the issues affecting us here in Enfield. All Enfield residents, and town and county representatives are invited and encouraged to participate regularly.
Potlucks will be held monthly, the third Sundays of each month, 5:00 – 7:00 PM at the Grange. Children are welcome to participate.
ENSAW (Enfield Neighbors for Safe Air and Water) will be conducting a Light Bulb Exchange at our potluck. Bring a used incandescent bulb from your house and exchange it for a free, energy efficient LED LIGHT BULB. Limit – one bulb exchange per resident.
If you’d like to help out with this or other events, please let us know via facebook or email enfieldvalleygrange@gmail.
For more information email: enfieldvalleygrange@gmail.