Enfield Story Time December 13

This event is open to all families.

Enfield Story Time
Thursday 8:30—9:30 am

December 13, 2018

Parents/caregivers & children birth to 4 years

Enfield Elementary School Library

Stories, songs, snacks, free books, playtime

For more information: contact

Jennifer 272-2292 jcg33@cornell.edu

Enfield Elementary School, 20 Enfield Main Road

6 miles west from Ithaca off Rt. 79

Enter from parking lot through door by office, turn right and go all the way down main corridor


Enfield Story Time is

co-sponsored by Tompkins County Cooperative
Extension & Family Reading
Partnership & Finger Lakes Toy Library &

Enfield Elementary School
Tompkins Families! —- Enfield’s Families! is a project of Tompkins
County Cornell Cooperative Extension—Family & Community Development with funding

from the NYS
Children & Family Trust Fund
(NYSOCFS)  and from NYSPEP
These materials are neither sponsored nor endorsed by the Board of Education of the Ithaca City
School District, the superintendent, or this school.
Enfield Elementary School
20 Enfield Main Rd

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