Enfield School Age Program Flyer
Looking for after school care or activities for your elementary school children?
The Enfield After School Program has openings!!!
We are a local not-for-profit organization which operates out of the Enfield Elementary School.
Our hours are from 2pm -5:30pm when school is in session.
Some of our features are: Homework Club (we have access to teachers and classrooms so we can
avoid the “I forgot my homework excuse”)! The Enfield Youth Garden, kids love being in our wonderful
garden space, growing food and just enjoying being outdoors. Soon our Garden Club will start back up
and we are excited to have our Outdoor Classroom Pavilion finished and ready to use! EYES Science
Program, on Fridays Cornell Engineering students join us to show our kids how fun Science can be!
Cornell Cooperative Extension Nutrition Program comes once a week to teach our kids how to make
healthy foods and healthy food choices! The kids get plenty of outdoor time, gym time and we are always
doing arts and crafts and exploring different themes. We have many different enrollment options from 5
days a week to 1 day. We accept DSS cases and we have a limited scholarship fund through the United
Way. If you are interested in learning more about our fantastic community program give Vera
Howe-Strait a call at 607-280-2317 or email vstrait18@htva.net. I look forward to hearing from you!!!!