The Enfield Food Pantry has reopened because of your support!
Many repairs, renovations, improvements and updates have been made that have brought us back into service.
I find it very difficult to describe the gratitude I feel for all of the help and support the pantry has received. Because of you, many in our community don’t have to face hunger when they get up in the morning and go through their daily life or go to bed hungry. Even better, food pantry clients don’t have to feel the anguish of not having food to feed their hungry families.
When the Enfield pantry was suspended and we could no longer feed the hungry, it knocked us off our feet. We knew that many of our clients were dependent on the pantry for food security. Without our pantry, many would go hungry.
I could see no way that we could get what needed to get done quickly. I prayed that if God wanted this ministry to continue we needed help. As I announced to our clients, as they came to the pantry the day before we were scheduled to shut down, that we were suspended, I saw their reactions. Disbelief, panic, sadness and questions appeared in their faces. I assured everyone that they should not panic. I told them everything was going to work out and we would reopen within a month. At that point, I had no plan as to how that could happen.
With your help, the Enfield Pantry reopened in just under a month.
Our gratitude and thanks go to so many. Over 200 individuals contributed to the GoFundMe account many of whom attached notes of support and encouragement.
The Triad Foundation became aware of the crisis and reached out to us early on. They extended a helping hand and provided a substantial financial contribution. It gave us the much-needed reassurance that we could get done what needed to get done quickly.
Members of the Tompkins County Board of Representatives heard of the crisis at the Enfield pantry. Some visited the pantry to see what the needs were while others made contacts and referrals to get additional help from several entities including the Human Services Coalition.
The Tompkins County Foundation stayed in contact with us to see where we were at in raising the funds needed for the major purchase of the needed freezer equipment. They closed the gap financially which met our goal and the freezer was a reality.
The Food Bank of the Southern Tier helped the pantry by donating and delivering needed commercial shelving, talking to community leaders and attending meetings, and communicating with foundations and others offering support to Enfield. The Food Bank contacted other local pantries to serve Enfield residents in need. Some pantries made financial contributions from their supporting churches.
Supporters of the Poor People’s Campaign helped those clients who could not access other emergency food pantries because they lacking transportation by driving them to other pantries or picking up food for them and delivering it to them.
The Town of Enfield responded by doing needed work around the Town’s Community Building where the pantry is located. They helped secure and tighten up the building clearing brush away and responding to the crisis with encouragement and support.
B & W Supply Company worked with us to get the best cost effective freezer unit they could for us and included some very appreciated upgrades while keeping the costs down.
The St. Paul’s United Methodist Church offered a substantial donation as a matching fund which stimulated additional contributions to the GoFundMe account. Several local residents, including a doctor and some dear long time personal friends, made amazing contributions. Others from the community sent funds directly.
Many volunteers put their time and labor into the effort of getting the work done which kept the projects costs down. Those who couldn’t help financially or physically with hands-on work contributed tremendously by spreading the word about our crisis.
The news media was crucial in getting the information out bringing community awareness to the pantry’s plight. The compassion shown by those responding to the crisis was overwhelming.
Please forgive me if I miss someone. It wouldn’t have happened without your help.
Tompkins County made it happen by coming together and each person taking a part in whatever ways they could.
Thank you.
Jean Owens
Director Enfield Food Distribution