Enfield Food Pantry Changes

As a result of Coronavirus and the current State of Emergency declared by Tompkins County, the following changes will be implemented immediately at the Enfield Food Pantry. If we all work together to slow the transmission of this virus, we can lessen the impact on our community. Please observe the following:

  • Only 15 clients will be allowed in the building at one time.
  • Everyone keeps their distance from others using the six foot guideline.
  • Clients should wash their hands and use hand sanitizer if at all possible before coming to the pantry.
  • No handling of food other than what the client selects to take home.
  • We will be wiping down the shopping carts after each use.
  • No one who is sick will be allowed at the pantry. Sick clients are asked to send a friend not living within their home or neighbor to pick up food for them. Other arrangements will be made to accommodate their needs if necessary. 
  • Volunteers will be wearing gloves and wiping down surfaces exposed to clients as often as possible.
  • Clients will not be allowed in the building early and are asked to keep their already assigned appointments.
  • Those without appointments are asked to come Sunday 10-11 or 1:00-1:30 or Monday 2:00-3:30.
  • There is no public restroom available. No exceptions.
  • We will be offering a 7 day food supply. Clients are served weekly.

For more information about the Food Pantry, please call 607-273-5682.

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