Enfield Food Pantry Changes Begin 05/02/2020

Enfield Food Pantry Changes Beginning Sunday, May 2, 2020

As of 5/2/2020, The Enfield Food Pantry is no longer operating with curbside pickup.

Enfield Food Pantry COVID-19 changes

The following changes have been made to the Pantry Operating Procedures:

  • You need to still go on the website: http://thefirstbaptistchurchofenfield.com/ and complete the form to select a pickup time.
  • You need to select a time before 5 pm on Friday.
  • If you miss the deadline you may still pickup food between 4-5 pm on Sunday or Monday.
  • We have extended the hours on Sunday and Monday from 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
  • Access will be limited to 15 clients every half hour to ensure we can keep to our guidelines.
  • You will still enter the driveway between the old highway barns and the old church and stay in line following the traffic cones and signs.
  • When the parking attendant directs you forward, you will park your car and when the attendant directs you to do so you will leave your vehicle and walk to the pantry entrance.
  • You will then be checked in according to your time slot and will enter the building.
  • You will move through one marked floor block at a time and will only move onto the next floor block when the client in front of you has vacated that block.
  • We are asking you to please move quickly through the pantry as you make your selections to ensure that all clients get an opportunity to pick up food.
  • We thank you for your cooperation and look forward to seeing you!


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