Enfield Cemetery Committee Looking for New Members

The Enfield Town Cemetery Committee is looking for new members.  If you are interesting please contact Sue Thompson, historian@townofenfield.org.

The Cemetery Committee is responsible for oversight of the cemeteries within the Town of Enfield.

Committee Members are appointed by Town Board yearly at the annual Organizational Meeting.

The committee responsibilities include:

  1. Coordinating the upkeep of the cemeteries to include maintenance, mowing, trimming, cutting brush, and repair of grave markers.
  2. Making recommendations to the Town Board for the purchase of equipment and repair of grave markers.
  3. Submitting budget recommendations to the Town Supervisor for inclusion in the yearly Town budget.
  4. Setting and removing flags from veteran’s graves (before Memorial Day in May.  Flags will be removed shortly after Memorial Day according to the National and State Recommendations for removal of flags. The directive reminds that flags be treated with respect. DIVISION OF CEMETERIES, 41 State Street, Suite 1110, Albany, NY 12231-0001.
  5. Ensuring cemetery records are maintained.
  6. Making recommendations to the Town Board for revisions to the cemetery policy and procedures.
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