The Town of Enfield is part of the Tompkins County Electronic Document Management System (Laserfiche). This program has enabled the Town of Enfield to scan Town Minutes and Building Permits. The scans have been placed on the “cloud” under the Laserfiche system. We have also been scanning and placing other town documents in this cloud storage area. This system will ensure that our town documents will be around for future generations.
We have also been granted space to place “public” documents on we think the community would like to view. We will be slowly adding other documents as time goes by.
List of Public Documents
- Enfield Town Board Minutes
- Baker, Judah Family Genealogy
- Black Oak Wind Farm
- Budd School 14 Tax Collection
- Cookbooks, Community from the Town of Enfield
- Destination Enfield
- Enfield Falls Community and Treman State Park
- Enfield Historical Society Minutes, etc.
- Enfield place Names
- Graham, Samuel – Diary 1840
- Historian Scrapbook Volume 1 and 2
- Johnson Diary, 1895
- Marks and Strays 1800’s – Agriculture
- Marriage Records – 1925 – 1925
- Military, Civil War
- Newman, Jared Diary 1876 – 1881
- Nobles Family History
- Quilt, 1903
- Road Journal 1825 – 1887
- Rumsey Cemetery
- School District 4
- Stevenson/Harvey Diary
- The Town of Enfield New York – Christian Hill to Enfield Falls
- WTCU, Women’s Christian Temperance Union