Refer to January Enfield Town Board Organizational Minutes for updates of Committees.

Advisory Board of Assessment Review
Beautification Committee
Cemetery Committee
Community Council
County Environmental Management Council (EMC)
Emergency Planning Committee
Facilities Development Committee
Facilities Manager
Personnel Committee
Tompkins Council of Governments
Tompkins County Health Insurance Consortium Dir. & Tompkins County Health Insurance Consortium Jnt. Com.
Tompkins County Recreation Partnership
Tompkins County Youth Board
Town of Enfield Website



Advisory Board of Assessment Review

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Peg Willis


Beautification Committee


This committee was officially created and most instrumental in early 2000, after much discussion about the vision that was seen for improvements in the Town of Enfield. The primary focus for the Committee was to build a sense of community among Enfielders and develop a unique community that is visible to visitors.

In 2002, six street lights were installed in the center of the Town, on Enfield Main Road, which provided safety lighting for the hamlet. Soon after the lights were fully installed, planters, flags, and holiday decorations were purchased to be hung at various times of the year. Wooden planters and shrubs were planted at the base of each light pole.
In 2007, the large, hand carved “Welcome to Enfield” signs were placed at each end of the Hamlet of Enfield. Gardens are also surrounding these two signs, which are maintained by the Committee. Committee members are all volunteers, and their responsibilities include:

Coordinate and schedule the various items (banners, lights, etc…) to display on the street light poles. Flags will be hung by Memorial Day weekend and not removed until after Veterans Day; and holiday lights will be hung soon after Thanksgiving.

Coordinate maintenance of the various Town flower beds. The beds are located at each street light (6), at each “Welcome to Enfield” sign (1), and one in front of each building – Community Building and Town Hall.

Order new supplies, plants, etc…, such as new banners, lights, and various plants for the Town gardens.

Provide an annual report to the Town Board, indicating the various items available for display, location of gardens, major plantings (ie. memorial trees) financial report (grant monies received, etc…), approximate number of hours volunteered towards these projects, etc… A list of capital equipment should be maintained by the Committee Chair, with approximate date of purchase (ie. street lights, signs, etc…), and submitted with the annual report.

This Committee outline was originally adopted in December, 2009.


Cemetery Committee

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The Cemetery Committee is responsible for oversight of the cemeteries within the Town of Enfield: Christian, Rolfe, Presbyterian, Budd.  There are two others but because of the location the town does not maintain the sites: Rumsey (on personal property), Woodard (on New York State Park Property).

The committee responsibilities include:

Coordinates the upkeep of the cemeteries to include maintenance, mowing, trimming, cutting brush, and repair of grave markers.

Recommends to the Town Board purchase of equipment and repair of grave markers.

Submits budget recommendations to the Town Supervisor.

Sets and removes flags from veterans graves (Before Memorial Day – May and After Veterans Day November 11).

Ensures cemetery records are maintained.

Makes recommendations to the Town Board for revisions to the cemetery policy and procedures.

This Committee outline was originally adopted in December, 2009.

Policies and Procedures of Enfield Cemeteries


Community Council

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Meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at; 182 Enfield Center Rd, the current community building or an officer’s home. All are invited to attend.


Enfield Community Council Information

Enfield Community Council By-Laws


County Environmental Management Council (EMC)

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Tompkins County Environmental Management Council


Emergency Planning Committee

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Facilities Development Committee

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Long range planning for Town facilities and other major infrastructure owned by the Town (ie. municipal water/sewer program, communication network, etc.. ).

Will advise and update the Board regarding proposals of such facility and other infrastructure plans.

Will continue to have oversight on all facility and other major infrastructure projects until completion.

Will report to the Town Board on all meetings and other relevant communication regarding the progress of these major projects.

Will relinquish building responsibilities over to the Facilities’ Manager, upon completion.

This position description was originally adopted in December, 2009


Facilities Manager

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Coordinate and schedule the use of the “common use section” of the Community Building (first floor).

Coordinate facility maintenance, including PM (annual cleaning of furnaces, routine furnace filter replacement, etc…)

Visually inspect all fire extinguishers (3 on the first floor of the Community Building, one on the second floor, and one in the Town Hall), at least once per month, and record on the extinguisher ID card.

Have each extinguisher inspected by a professional inspector at least annually.

Have the fire alarm system inspected by AlarmTech at least once every 6 months.

Check the water quality for chlorine levels, daily, and record in the log book. At the end of each month, fax the report to the TC Health Dept. and maintain a copy in the “Water Quality Report” binder.

Have the water tested (bacterial test through NYS Diagnostic Lab – CU), as required by TC Health Department. Fax the report to the TC Health Department and maintain a copy in the “Water Quality Report” binder.

Coordinate routine cleaning of all Town facilities, except the highway garage.

Meet with all users to ensure they understand the building use policy.

Issue/collect keys for all Town facilities (except the highway garage) and maintain the key register (on file in the Code Office).

This position description was originally adopted in December, 2009.


Personnel Committee

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Review personnel manual on a regular basis.

Present suggestions for changes to the manual to the Town Board, for approval.

Meet with the County Personnel Office as necessary.

Will report to the Town Board on all meetings and other relevant communication regarding the progress of these major projects.

Review personnel files to ensure compliancy.

Meet with Committee (including Highway Superintendant, if not on the Committee), to review staffing issues.

This position description was originally adopted in December, 2009.


Tompkins Council of Governments

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Tompkins County Health Insurance Consortium Dir. &
Tompkins County Health Insurance Consortium Jnt. Com.

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Tompkins County Recreation Partnership

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Tompkins County Youth Board

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Town of Enfield Website

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