Below you will find the short form version of the amended Wind Energy Facilities Local Law Number 1 of 2009, Town of Enfield, that was presented to the Town Board (November 9, 2016) by Michael Miles, Councilperson and Chairperson of the Town of Enfield Wind Farm Advisory Committee. Also included is a “comparite” version that shows the changes marked in red.
This version was adopted by the Committee in an attempt to move things along expeditiously by focusing only on the most critical factors. This was approved by the Committee with only one
person declining to approve.
The second document is a more robust version of an amended wind law along with a comparite to help identify the changes. While we did discuss this version at length during our deliberations and there were parts of it that all or most of the Committee members were favorably inclined toward, there was never any vote on all or a portion of this version of the amended law.
After reviewing it for a number of months, the decision was made to abandon this version in favor of a much simpler version (i.e., the one referred to above) because we felt it would be much harder to get the more robust version approved by the Board quickly given the magnitude of the changes. We felt it was important to get
an amendment moving quickly to address setbacks, noise levels, height restrictions and the notice provisions.
If you are having trouble seeing the changes in red on the “comparite” versions, go to the tab labeled “Review”. In the box at the top labeled “Tracking”, make sure the drop downs for “All Markups” and “Show Markup” are showing.
Thank you to Jude Lemke, Member of the Town of Enfield Wind Farm Advisory Committee, for providing these documents.
WIND ENERGY FACILITIES LOCAL LAW – amended short version
WIND ENERGY FACILITIES LOCAL LAW – amended Full blown version
Comparite original law vs. short version
Comparite original law vs. full blown version
Additional Document: