2nd Tax Installments DUE to Tompkins County July 1, 2020

Tompkins County would like to remind taxpayers that second installments of the town and county taxes are due by the close of business Wednesday July 1st.

County offices continue being responsive to COVID-19 and encourage tax payments be made through one of our non-contact methods.

Taxpayers may use the US mail (must be postmarked by 7/1), or go on-line through https://pay.xpress-pay.com/org/534B839211A5447 (click ‘make a payment’ – note a fee applies), or place in our dropbox (located to the left of our entry door at 125 East Court St. Ithaca, NY – checks only).

If payments must be done in person – call 607-274-5545 ahead for an appointment time, although appointments are limited.

Our Treasury department is working to keep visitors and staff healthy so we will be limiting access (one person at a time) and requiring face covering for anyone paying in person.


Let’s work together to help Enfield Residents save money by remembering this very important deadline!

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