2019 Comprehensive Plan Review – Input requested

The Town of Enfield Comprehensive Plan was updated on November 1, 2019. The Town is in the process of doing a five-year review of the Comprehensive Plan. The Planning Board has been reviewing the Comprehensive Plan and has the following observations. In general, the 2019 plan is a well-constructed document. It is still a valid tool to guide the Town Board and Planning Board in maintaining and updating current town policies and regulations. The overview section of the plan should be updated with the data from the 2020 census for population and income. The eight sections of the Comprehensive Plan elements continue to be relevant for the Town of Enfield. The Planning Board has reviewed each section and the goals in each section are consistent with current activities in the town. The actions for each of the goals in each section should be reviewed and updated as some have been accomplished others need to be addressed and some additional actions may be identified. The Comprehensive Plan Survey was very detailed, and the results and comments appear to be relevant to the current public opinion based on the comments from the public that have been received during public hearings for projects that have been reviewed by the Planning Board. The Planning Board recommends that the Comprehensive Plan be updated with an addendum that looks at the eight sections of the Comprehensive Plan and update the status of actions that have been completed and consider other goals and actions that need to be addressed in the Town. We encourage residents to read the current Comprehensive Plan which is available on the Town’s website and is available in the Town Clerk’s office. To assist the Town in the Comprehensive Plan review we are seeking input from town residents and property owners for several areas of concern that have been expressed by residents regarding land use as the Planning Board has been reviewing subdivision and site plan proposals.

The following questions are the most common and we would like your opinion:

  1. Should the Town require a minimum lot size for subdivisions? 
  2. Is water supply a major concern for you? 
  3. Is stormwater management a major concern for you?

Please submit comments to planningboard@townofenfield.org


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